For one month, several organizations joined to reveal the potential within the Tua Valley. The natural landscape, the river, as well as regional products, radical and water sports that are possible to enhance. On each Saturday of May we have taken recovering works of the line, walk along it, discussed the economic potential of this region, made degustations of wine, olive oils and other local products, we have watched movies, and we went down the river to say NO to the dam.
We are united to Save the Tua and Protect the Douro. May, month for the Tua is a joint organization of the following entities:
Associação Juvenil Amigos do Cáster
Clube de Canoagem de Águas Bravas de Portugal
Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Carvalhais/Mirandela
Grupo Tamecanos de Mondim de Basto
Movimento Cívico pela Linha do Tua
Plataforma Salvar o Tua
Rios Livres – GEOTA
08.30 am – Intervention raid between: Romeu – Cortiços
Organization: Civic Mouvement for the Tua Railway Line
Informations and registrations: HERE
Tua Railway Line: Castanheiro – Fiolhal (5km)
Organization: Associação Juvenil Amigos do Cáster
Informations and registrations:HERE
Professional School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Carvalhais/Mirandela
10.00 am – Market of local/regional products
02.30 pm – Conference/Workshop “Which development model for the Tua Valley and Alto Douro?”
Paulo de Morais
TIAC – Transparência e Integridade Associação Cívica
João Roquette
Quinta dos Murças – Grupo Esporão
Joanaz de Melo
GEOTA – Platform Save the Tua
Maria do Rosário D’ Araújo
Casa dos Araújos – Turismo Rural
João Pedro Menéres
Quinta do Romeu – Soc. Clemente Menéres
07.00 pm – Degustation of wine and olive oils
Douro and Trás-os-Montes
09.30 pm – Movie session “DamNation“
Organization: Platform Save the Tua, Rios Livres – GEOTA and Professional School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Carvalhais/Mirandela
Info: HERE
10.00 am – Brunheda River Beach
02.30 pm – Demonstration in the Tua River
Organization: Clube de Canoagem de Águas Bravas de Portugal,Grupo Tamecanos de Mondim de Basto and Rios Livres – GEOTA
Informations and Registration: HERE